2025 Annual Gathering

Black Lives Matter Vigil

Hundreds of people of faith gathered on Sunday, June 7, at First United Church of Oak Park and via ZOOM to affirm Black Lives are precious and to demonstrate commitment to racial equity in our villages. 

An Independence Day for Our Times

On July 3rd we gathered virtually for a prayerful, multi-faith, intercultural observance of Independence Day in which we heard a prophetic challenge to the prevailing narrative of U.S. history which for so long omitted a true reckoning with racism. Together we committed to action for racial justice, equity and inclusion.

If you are interested in joining us in this work, please contact us.

Ongoing Events

Multi-Faith Thanksgiving Service

The Sunday prior to Thanksgiving we gather in gratitude for the blessings we share and to reflect on the responsibilities we have for our wider community. For the health and safety of our community, the service will likely be held virtually this year. More information about how to participate will be shared as we approach the date: November 22, 2020.

Gatherings of Neighbors

At our fall and spring gatherings, as well as our annual meeting in January, we meet to share stories and reflect on pressing issues for our local community.

Examples of recent gatherings include:

  • a panel of grandmothers from both sides of Austin Boulevard sharing their autobiographies of raising families and leading their communities in racially segregated Chicago/Oak Park;
  • an evening with members of Oak Park Temple and New Mount Pilgrim Missionary Baptist Church who travelled to Washington DC together to visit the Holocaust Museum and the Museum of African American History and Culture;
  • and a panel of neighborhood and judicial leaders creating restorative justice practices in the Cook County court system featuring Chief Judge Timothy Evans and anchored by Community of Congregations’ Board member Miss Mazell Sykes.

Co-Sponsored Events

We welcome co-sponsoring and turning out people of faith to events that dovetail with our mission. For example, Reesheda Graham-Washington (Community of Congregations’ Board Member and owner of L!VE Café in Oak Park) and Shawn Casselberry led a Soul Force Training Experience.

Spontaneous Actions

We gather for prayer vigils, join rallies of mutual concern, and will alert our members to community opportunities to connect with others to address a community concern. When Pilgrim Congregational Church was vandalized with swastikas and racial epithets, over 200 people came together in the prayer vigil to affirm their commitment to racial justice and acknowledge that they are not alone. We are a community with a relational network that mobilizes together to address our common commitments.

Please contact us if you or your congregation wishes to participate or help us promote these events.